It's very important to use a fair and easy implementation distributed mutual exclusion algorithm to ensure the data, logic and time consistency of a distributed system. 公平、健壮和易于实现的分布式互斥算法对分布式系统保证数据一致性、逻辑一致性及时序一致性至关重要。
In this paper, through analyzing the characteristics of transactions and data in embedded real-time databases, various consistency constraints are discussed, including internal consistency, external consistency and mutual consistency. 在分析嵌入式实时数据库数据和事务特征的基础上,讨论了嵌入式实时数据及事务的一致性约束,包括内部一致性、时间一致性(外部一致性和相互一致性)。
By the common functions of endogenous hypothesis and mutual compensatory hypothesis, the special phenomenon of double deepening can be observed to reveal a high-ranked consistency and correlation between capital deepening and financial deepening. 在内生性假说和互补性假说的共同作用机制下,我们可以观察到双重深化的特殊现象:资本深化与金融深化二者之间表现出高度的一致性与关联性。
The article puts emphasis upon the whole structure and the concrete data structure of data carousel, analyses the mutual relation of data structures in order to ensure the consistency of data and finish the data broadcasting project. 详细说明数据轮数据广播方式的整体结构和各个数据结构的特点,讨论实现数据轮广播方式的各个关键数据结构之间的相互关联关系,以利于数据轮发端、收端的数据一致性。
And distributed mutual exclusion algorithms are employed to solve the problems such as multi-replica consistency, leader election and so on. 分布式互斥算法被广泛应用于解决副本一致性、领导者选举等问题。
Fourthly, I use Fama-French three-factor model to identify mutual fund investment style and investigate the style consistency of mutual fund. 第四,本文利用Fama-French三因子模型来识别基金的投资风格并对基金的投资风格持续性进行了研究。
Firstly the concept of behavioral consistency is defined which unifies mutual consistency and local consistency so that the integrity of the interactive and local behaviors would be preserved more strictly and the corresponding process complexity would be reduced effectively. 本文提出了行为一致性的概念,统一了相互一致性和本地一致性,严格保证了构件交互行为和本地行为的完整性,有效降低了实现复杂度。